
Alan’s User Page

Hey, Alan here. I discovered an interest in programming at CSE 8A (Yay, Python!) and has continued ever since.

I taught myself a bit of React (JavaScript frontend) and Django (Python backend) and used them on a few projects.

To be honest, I’d never think too seriously about the code structure or design (hope to learn more about them in CSE 110!) in my projects. All I did was worrying about the time complexity (good habit if you grind LeetCode; not so helpful otherwise).

When I am not coding, you may find me either (in front of a piano || smashing badminton || reading sci-fi by Liu Cixin).


What does Markdown offer?


Jerry Not Tom

Styling Text

Quoting Text

You can fool some people all the time. You can fool all people some of the time. But you can’t fool all people all the time.

Quoting Code

**Rotate a matrix by 90-degrees clockwise (in python): **

M = zip(*M[::-1])

Links to other sections in this .md file.

  1. Click here to learn more about how to quote codes in Markdown.
  2. Link to the section that talks about quoting texts in markdown.

Links to another file or image in my repo.

Check this screenshot out.

Man here’s another relative link

The chromatic scale, checked

(from The Sound of Music)